Monday, July 28, 2008

Coming Clean

Well, I know that I have been MIA for a long time now. A lot has happened!

I am 6 months pregnant!

It took me a long time to wrap my mind around. I felt like I was so on-track with WW and this change derailed me. I was really good with my eating for a while but didn't do a great job tracking on doing anything on the computer being so tired.

In June and July, our family went on a huge road trip. We visited my family for a few weeks and then made a stop to visit friends in Vegas and then finished up in Southern California at the beach. While it was a fabulous trip (which is all documented on my private blog), I threw everything I had learned and had been doing for the past few months in exchange for temporary enjoyment. I came back 15 lbs heavier and learned my lesson. (In 6 weeks!) YIKES! This is all I wanted to put on the wntire pregnancy.

This past week, I have gotten back on track. Making mostly core choices, drinking lots of water, eating lots of fruits and veggies along with ample protein and dairy. I am pretty proud of myself. At this point, there isn't too much that I can do to undo my trip damage because of baby but at long as I make good choices I have decided that I am going to be OK with the number on the scale.

I have also gotten back on track with exercising and doing better than I have done since I started WW. I am following the Body for Life suggestions loosely. I am walking 3 days a week for 30 minutes and keeping my heart under 70% of target. I also have been light weight lifting 3 days a week. I am keeping it really light but it feels great just to be moving and it is about 15 activity points a week.

Even though I am not really paying attention to points, I am back to tracking on the online tracker. I loved using this before and I want to have the habit because I plan on returning to my WW Meetings as soon as I can after baby, before Thanksgiving. I know that I am going to need the support during the holidays, especially since my MIL will be here cooking for us for the 2 1/2 months after baby is born.

So there it is! My purge! It is off my chest.

I feel like I am back. I have some new discoveries lately that I have been itching to post about. I also need an outlet to go to besides my husband because while he listens, he doesn't really want to hear about it.