Monday, December 8, 2008

New Blog???

So now that I am back blogging here, I realize that 2008 is almost over and I don't feel like I reached my goal of "Looking Great in 2008". Being Pregnant 9 of the past 11 months hampered my progress. I think I need to change my name. I am giving it some thought and will probably transfer to a new name come the new year. I will keep you posted.

Lost in Translation

My mother-in-law and sister-in-law have been staying with us since mid-October. They came to stay to help with the baby. It has been awesome to have them around to help out with the house and the kids. They are from South America and don't speak English and I don't speak Spanish so communicating is hard and I am pretty dependent on my husband translating.

Well, in starting to count points, I bought a few low point options for myself while buying regular for the rest of the family. This includes light bread and carb balance tortillas. These are quite a bit more expensive and with feeding two extra adults, I felt justified in this. One of the reasons that these items are lower in points is that they have more fiber than their original counterparts.

The morning after I bought them, I noticed that everyone was using it for toast when I came down in the morning and the already shrunken loaf was half gone. I was frustrated but also knew that I never explained the difference so had no right to be mad. I asked my husband to kindly explain to his mother that it was my bread and she was welcome to the other loaf at a later time so she didn't think that I was mad at her. He told me to write my name on it, but I don't think I should have to do that because I am no longer in college and I am in my own home. He didn't know how to bring it up until the opportunity presented itself yesterday afternoon.

For Sunday dinner I made black bean enchiladas. These are delicious and one of my favorites. I will have to post the recipe here. They are made with flour tortillas and so I made a small loaf pan for me with the carb balance tortillas and made a large pyrex full for the rest of the family. Of course everyone wanted to empty the small pan first so that we could clear the dish and I had to tell my husband to explain that they were made with different tortillas and that those were mine. I explained that the tortillas had more fiber and I was trying to add fiber to my diet. Also, to stay away from my bread. (I haven't mentioned WW to them. They are both under 100 lbs so weight is not really something we have in common.) My husband translated to them. They looked and me an started giggling. I asked him what he said. He said something to the effect that I needed to eat those ones because they had extra fiber and that I was trying to get extra fiber because I was constipated.


Not really the reason that I am looking for high fiber items. More along the lines that they are more filling and lower the points on standard things.


Well, now they know to not eat my stuff and maybe I can hide out in the bathroom to read a book or something and they won't suspect I am just ditching out. They will think the fiber is working its magic.


So I'm back at it again. I tried to jump back into WW a week after my son was born only to return to my meeting and find that my leader had left WW. So disappointing. The new lady was not very good and less than motivating so I haven't gone back. I tried counting points that first week but only last 3 days and that turned into a 6 week mess from Halloween to Thanksgiving.

All I can say now is OH WELL! and move on. Last week I read a post that Roni of Roni's Weigh had about how Dec. 1st was a great time to make new resolutions and you don't have to wait until Jan. 1st. Well, it got me thinking and I decided Dec. 1st was a perfect time to recommit. It was a Monday, beginning of the week and month and 6 weeks out from delivery, so it seemed like a good place to start.

It was. This past week has been great! It had been easy to refocus and get back on track. I stayed on plan and wasn't hungry at all. I lost 5.6 pounds. YEAH! (I know that a lot of it is water that I was holding onto, but I am still happy with the number.) I am weighing in at home for now. I have checked out the meeting schedule and I am having a hard time finding one that works. I am still pretty disappointed that Linda left WW.

Here's to another week and a fresh start. I need to keep my focus this week because my husband is having surgery and will be laid up for a week or so. When he is around during the day I tend to eat a lot worse. Why is that? That needs to change this week.