Monday, March 31, 2008


So here's the quick update.

The first 2 weeks of core I lost a combined total of 5.5 pounds. All together, I am at a total loss of 31.6 ponds. It feels great to pass the 30 lb mark. I don't think that I posted but last week I hit my 10%. Yeah! That feels awesome!

I am still liking Core and loving not counting as much.

I saw a picutre of my posted on a friends' blog and was not repulsed. This is a big step forward. I usually cringe upon seeing pictures of myself. I can see the difference in my face.

I also found an awesome waffle recipe made out of oatmeal that I will post soon. My husband even liked it which says a lot. He is funny about new recipes.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Baked Oatmeal

Since starting Core, I have had to search for new recipes to fit the plan. I was craving waffles so I went off in search of a recipe that used oatmeal instead of flour. I found one but it has to soak overnight and so that wasn't an option for breakfast this morning.

This Baked Oatmeal recipe was one that I found at I immediately whipped up a batch and threw it in the oven. It turned out exactly as I imagined it. I mix between a muffin and a cookie. I entered it in the recipe builder and it is 3 pts a serving for flex but all ingredients are Core. Yeah!!! Each serving is huge, 1/6 pan. I ate it hot. It would be delicious with baked apples or other warm fruit on top and maybe 2 T. of Cool Whip Free on top. I am letting the pan cool and I am going to bag up the rest for snacks or breakfast on the go.

Also, my daughter loved it. She ate 1/2 piece all by herself. It is nice when your kids will eat what you are eating. Now if I could get my husband to do the same.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm done!

That is...............I'm done counting.

I switched to CORE and so far I am pleasantly surprise how much I love it.

Not what I expected.

I was really nervous that I would over-eat.

I was so hungry on flex and kept going over my daily and weekly points.

I have still been tracking online and just added up the points for the past two days and I am still in my point allowance.

But I am not so hungry.

I guess better quality food helps. I don't think that I noticed how much junk I was still eating.

I am also learning to listen to my hunger/full signals better. This is something that I have been really bad about in the past. I have noticed that I have been eating past full just because I had the points.

I was also getting really bad at tracking. Now I just pick something on the list.

My husband is trying to be supportive but not as supportive as he was on flex. He doesn't trust my full meter. I also think that he is a little frustrated that my number is going down while his is the same. We both gained weight with the baby. My number is still much higher than his. I know that when he puts his mind to it, it will come off fast. He is fortunate that way. Hopefully, he gets back to being supportive.

By the way (If there is anyone still reading after a month of blog boycotting.) I hit the 25 lb mark and was only 0.6 away from my 10%. I didn't have a good week last week, hence the change to CORE to refocus me, so I didn't weigh-in. Couldn't stomach a gain written on my card. Used a no-weigh pass and just attended the meeting. Glad I did! The meeting was great and remotivated me. Linda, my leader is great!

Peeked at the scale and it is moving in the right direction. I think I was retaining some water because of poor eating.