Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How many did I eat?

I made these yesterday. Every other week we meet with a few other families from church for Family Night. I was in charge of the treat yesterday. I have had a package of M&Ms for a while now and thought that it would be fun to put them in the cookies instead of chocolate chips. Last time I made these cookies I ate two. The first fast without tasting it and the second one I savored with a glass of milk. I realized that while I like the cookie, my favorite part is the M&Ms. Yesterday I mixed up the batter and reserved 10 M&Ms for myself on the side. I ate those 10 M&Ms while I was baking the cookies. Counted the points for them too. After eating the M&Ms I was over the temptation of the cookies. I brought a plate of them for Family night, I sent another dozen to work with my husband this morning and I have a dozen that I am going to drop by the new neighbor's house this morning.

So I am proud to announce that as far as cookies go............I ate ZERO!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Getting Over Disappointment...


That's all!

To be honest I am a littl frustrated and the only thing keeping me going is that this morning I was able to wear a pair of jeans that I hadn't worn in quite some time. I guess that I am losing inches which is good.

TOM was this past week and even though I stuck to my points, I wasn't very good at meeting my healthy guidelines. Guess I learned from it and I am going to try to stick to it this week.
One good thing is that even though it was a small loss it was enough to put me over the 15 lb mark so I was able to get another star. That is 3 now. Yeah!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Food Find - Morning Star Farm's Spicy Black Bean Burger

A few weeks ago, we went to Chili's for dinner. I ordered the black bean burger and LOVED it. However, I am not one to pay $9 for a burger and some steamed veggies when I can do it at home for much less. (To be honest, I didn't even eat the steamed veggies. That is something that I don't like very much at restaurants. They are always cold by the time I get around to them.) I picked up a package of these Morning Star ones at the store along with Nature's Own Whole Wheat Sugar Free Hamburger Buns. The Bun is 2 pts and the patty is 2 point. Four points for a burger is so good, especially when they are as delicious as these are. If you are apprehensive about a veggie burger, try them anyway. They are so worth it.

Monday, January 21, 2008


So Roni at Weight Watchen is doing another contest and I decided to enter. This scale looks awesome and I know I could put it to good use if I magically win. Here's to hoping anyway!

Check out Roni’s new contest! I can win a Nutrition Smart Scale from Eat Smart and so can you! Click here for details!

Did anyone else enter?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Weigh-ins and Star Stickers

So my meeting was SO MUCH BETTER today! I was running a little late this morning. (I like to be there early so I don't have to wait in line long.) I was in about 5 minutes before the meeting started and had to wait in line. When it was my turn to weigh-in the woman who I thought was so rude last week was the receptionist available. "GREAT!"

She must have been having a better day because she was a definately more positive. I stepped on the scale and her eyes got wide and she said "You had a great week!" and almost recited I said "Well good, I sure worked hard this week." Then she said "You know, you probably won't keep losing this much weight everytime but you are doing great so far." It was in the sweetest and most sincere tone and I was greatful that I would be able to leave without letting her words get to me this week.

Well, I peeked at the weight and it was over the .2 I needed to get my gold star which was so important to me. I don't think I looked at it carefully until I was in the car on the way home.

4.8 lbs

Yes, 4.8 lbs!

All the way home I was repeating..."4.8 pounds, I can't believe I love 4.8 pounds, Yes! 4.8 lbs"

I am sure that passing motorists thought that I was a little crazy but I was so excited.
So back to the star. I knew that I was most likely going to get a star this week because I was only .2 away from it the week before and spent the week wishing that I wore something light weight last week so I could have gotten a star. This was actually a great focus for me this week and because of this I was so looking forward to the meeting, not so much the public recognition but the little sticker to prove that I had lost at least 10 lbs on WW. Our leader announces at the end of the meeting. I spent the whole meeting dreaming of the star. She handed out a couple of star and a few other awards and then announced the group total and sent the group on its way. It went by like a blur. I was stunned no star. What? I had lost way over 10 and they somehow missed it.

I thought about walking out of the room and not worrying about it, cause after all it is an itty bitty sticker and then I thought "No, I worked so hard for this star. It is MY motivator. I earned it fair and square and I WANT IT!" I timidly approached Linda, my leader.

"Linda, I am pretty sure that I earned a star this week and I didn't get one." She turned a little red and grabbled a star from the roll and handed it to me. I felt like I had to prove to her that I deserved that little sticker. I pulled out my card in my defense. Of course she didn't check it but instead checked her sheet and was visibly embarassed. She apologized and said that for some reason I wasn't on the list. Apology accepted as I proudly pulled off the backing and fastened it on my bookmark.

I am sure that the receptionists got an earfull after.

So, not my total loss is at 14.6 lbs. Just short of the 15 but now I know that I can earn one next week if I stay OP. I think that .4 lbs is very doable. I would love to lose 3 next week and 3 the week after. When, not if, I do that, I will have lost 20 lbs my first month on WW.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Today's Menu

So this is what is on my menu today. I have always been a planner. As a child I remember my mom planning out our weekly menus before going to the grocery store and today I find myself doing the same things. Every once in a while I slip out of the habit but it is easy to get back into.

Thursdays are my planning days. First, I consult our calendar and then make dinner plans for every night so that I can plan my shopping accordingly. This helps with the grocery budget because I am really thinking about what we need and not buying a lot of unnecessary things. It can also help my waistline because I can plan healthy meals and carefully consider the allocation of my points depending on our weekly schedule.

This process has helped me so much in doing WW. Like I said, I plan Thursdays and then shop Fridays right after my WW meeting. Also, knowing what we are having for dinner at the beginning of the day helps me plan the rest of the day around dinner. We frequently have people over for dinner and go out so these are both things that I usually need more points for dinner on those nights. On the flipside, I like to eat light the night before I weigh-in or maybe have planned to meet a friend for lunch and on those nights I plan a low point dinner.

I have been using the recipes on the WW tracker. I really like them. I have probably tried 15 different ones and they have almost all been delicious. The only one that we didn't like was the chicken paella. This didn't really apeal to me in the first place but my husband always orders it at restaurants and I thought that I would give it a shot. It was terrible and after forcing a couple of bites, I decided it wasn't worth spending the points on and we decided to throw it away and eat something else for dinner. My favorite so far was the Chicken with Honey-Balsamic Glaze.

Well after reading this, you are all probably thinking that I am a bit of a control freak. Well, I am. My eating was one of the things that I had a hard time controlling in the past. I fell like I have control of what goes in my mouth. The Flex Plan gives me tangible limits and I like that, but with enough flexiblity that I don't feel like I am depriving myself.


I am so excited that I exceeded my goal for Activity Points this week. On Monday I was a little worried that I had slacked too much to reach my goal of 14 APs for this week. I cracked down and went to work earning APs the rest of this week and this morning my total is 15. YEAH! This is the first week that I have been exercising somewhat consistantly on WW. It feels good to be working out again. The goal for next week is 18!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A Happy Anniversary!

Today was our 3rd Wedding Anniversary. It is incredible how fast time flies. We kept things low key, but did get some friends to babysit while we went for a quiet, kid-free dinner. It is so nice to get out, just the two of us.

We went to the Cheesecake Factory in Caesar's Palace on our first date. We both lived and met in Vegas. After we walked around the Forum Shops after. We decided to revisit the Cheesecake Factory, of course here in San Antonio instead. It was so fun and the food was super yummy.

I have been trying to limit using my flexies especially the last half of the week so I planned accordingly today. I am really proud of my planning and follow-through for the day. I went online and investigated on the menu and had it narrowed down to two things, depending on my mood. They were both fairly low point, especially for a restaurant like the Cheesecake Factory. (You have to admit that this is not a restaurant that is associated with low point foods. The name says it all!)

I ate sensible all day long,not a lot but enough that I wasn't famished and felt like I had control. . We went in the restaurant and turned right to the section I would order from. (They have a "weight management" section.) I decided on the Asian Chicken Salad. I also saw that they had Fresca and added that to my order along with water. I drank a full glass of water before I let myself dig into the bread. The brown bread there is my favorite! I had two small slices with no butter. Before I would have easiely eaten at least half of the bread basket. Once I ate my predetermined amount I pushed it to the other side of the table so I wouldn't sneak another slice. Our food came pretty fast. My salad was huge and delicious and 14.5 points. My husband ordered the Bang Bang Chicken and Shrimp, my favorite dish there. I think he was being nice, just in case I wanted a little bite. It is quite spicy and that is not his thing. I had 3 small pieces of chicken and 1 piece of shrimp. We skipped dessert there and settled for Stawberry Shortcake Skinny Cow at home.

I am extremely proud of myself. I stayed within my daily points allowance and had a great night out. It makes me feel like I can still eat wherever I want, I just need to balance those choices out all day. It helped that I set aside points early in the day for my meal. I also set aside 6 extra points for things like breads and bites off my husband's plate and dessert (at home, of course).

Well, number 3 down and looking forward to a great year and a happy number 4. It was a nice day. I have such a sweet husband and I love him so much. He is trying so hard to be supportive of my WW and is trying to understand my food issues. He is a great listener and puts up with a lot. I am sure blessed.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Taking Advantage of Good Fortune

So I started this post yesterday and all but published it. So here it is!

Over the past few years, we have collected a lot of fitness equitment. In fact, we have a bedroom upstairs that is set-up as a home gym. It has these select-tech weights, a tower with a folding bench, full-size bar and preacher bar along with the weights, the leg attachment and arm attachment, a TV, mat, ball, and bands along with tons of DVDs. Up until this point I have probably make it in there once a week for 30-45 minutes. It is so awesome in there and great to have everything at home but I am just not taking advantage of it.

We have a treadmill that we bought about 6 months ago. I am much better at using this. It is in our bedroom because there is more room. It probably would have fit in the gym, however, I was worried about hitting my head on the ceiling fan. The treadmill is awesome! We splurged and got one with a TV and a fan along with other user friendly features. We almost bought a different one but after talking to a friend that has one, she said that she wished she would have gotten one with a TV and thought that she would use it more if she did. We took that into consideration and like I said, splurged. It makes all the difference. If I get up before the baby in the morning or when she is down for a nap, I like to watch the Today Show or Food Network or even CNN. I figure, if I can sit on the couch and watch these, I might as well walk.

Since starting WW, I haven't started a structured exercise routine. I occassionally record activity points. This week at I bought a pedometer. I love it! I counts your step and tell you how my points you earn when active. It also tracks my steps for the day. I am aiming for 10,000. Last week my husband was asking if I ever used it. Mind you, I do, but never around him. Most of the time, he sleeps in on the weekends and I feel walking in the bedroom while he is trying to sleep so I go downstairs and watch TV on the couch. He told me not to worry about waking him and use it if I want to. This morning I hopped on and walked 45 minutes before the baby woke up. It wasn't a fast pace but I walked over 2 miles and was able to watch some TV. It was 3 points. Yeah for activity points!

So the goal for the week is use at least one peice of this fantastic equiptment each day. I know that I can do it. After all, I want to get our money out of it and it will do nothing but good for me! Also, this week, my goal is to earn at least 2 activity points a day. (So far, do good!) I can't wait to have 14 (or more) recorded by Friday!

Friday, January 11, 2008

No Use Crying Over Spilt.....


Well first, I was down 4.6 lbs this week and I wasn't nearly as nervous for my weigh-in. I was confident that I lost. I didn't know how much. To be honest, while I am happy with this number, I would have LOVED another .2 lbs. Why aiming for 4.8 lbs? Well because it would have taken my total loss to 10 lbs and thus another star. Those little stars are so motivating for me. On the flip side. I am pretty sure, actually positive, that I will get one next week.

However, when I weighed in I felt discounted by the lady weighing me in. I knew how hard I worked this week, no flexies, eating lost of fresh food and fiber and staying on plan. I was very proud of myself. As she recorded my weight she didn't say "good job" or "way to go" or "you had a good week". Instead as she showed me my number, she said "you know, you aren't going to keep losing this much every week" in a very negative and sassy tone. OK, this is something that I know, something that I know from talking to my leader, something that I know from previous diets (I know that is a 4 letter word here). SO I KNOW! I go to WW for encouragement and felt like that was such a downer. I am going to weigh-in with the other woman at the table from now on.

While I was pleased with the weigh-in, I was not so happy with the meeting. I have been getting there early the past two weeks knowing that there would be a lot of people because of the new year. This way I don't have to wait in line very long and I can get a seat near the front even though most of the early birds camp out in the middle or back. A man that I have seen at the last two meetings sat on the row with me a chair apart. He had a terrible scowl on his face and was sending out bad vibes. Thought that I would say "hi" to lighten his mood but no response. I decided that I was not going to let his bad mood me problem and moved on.

There were a couple of new faces hanging out around the room and I cam to the conclusion that they were WW staff. I think that my leader was being observed. She seemed a little flustered and trying extra hard. The line in the back was huge as the meeting started and people were talking and she had a hard time getting everyone's attention. The late-comers started filling in the empty seats on the front row. A lady sat in front of me. About 5 minutes into the meeting there was a huge crash. The lady in front of me had dropped her coffee and it spilled all over. The leader had it all up her legs and the women on both sides of the dropped had gotten hit too. The woman behind me said "Well, there goes the meeting!" At that point, I felt the same way too. A bunch of ladies rushed up to the front to help, people went to get paper towels from the bathroom and the next 10 minutes was spent cleaning it up while the leader tried to keep some kind of order and tried with no luck to keep the conversation going.

The meeting was totally chaotic and the ironic thing was that the topic for the day was on how productive and necessary meetings are. I was relieved when it was over. I know that life is totally unpredictable. I know it was just a fluke and next week it will be back to normal. I am going next week, the week after, and every week after that. I need people to be accountable to and I think that meetings are the way to go for me. Just thought I would share this crazy experience.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

What I Ate for Breakfast

So healthy, right?

Well it was delicious.

I love pumpkin pie and pumpkin muffins, pumpkin smoothies, pumpkin everything!

Hot cocoa is such a treat, especially for breakfast.

So how did I justify eating this?

This is how.

Pumpkin Pie:

I was reading on Hungry Girl some new ideas for spicing up oatmeal. She had some great ideas for add-ins. One of them was canned pumpkin along with some pumpkin pie spice. I have been dying to try it. This morning I gave it a try. So delicious. Like warm pumpkin pie. So much better than plain old oatmeal. I gave my daughter a taste and she loved it too so I made her a bowl too. It is only 40 calories and 4 g of fiber in 1/2 c. I used about half that much.

Hot Cocoa:

I am not a big milk drinker so I am always looking for good ideas for meeting my daily milk guideline. I have tried the diet cocoa and have not been that happy with them. Very watery. Las night I had planned to have 1 c of milk for a snack and just didn't find it appealing. I decided to heat up the milk and stir in a packet of the diet cocoa mix. Just 25 additional calories and it doesn't up the points, still only 2. So creamy and delicious and felt like it was so much more than it actually was. Try it! You will be in love.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Biggest Loser?

Warning: Spoiler

So I am sure that all of you who watched The Biggest Loser tonight are picking your chins up off the floor and still wrapping your mind around it all. I know I am!

Paul was stupid for sharing that bit about his calories and deserved to lose the challenge for that. The black team seems unstoppable. I don't know what Mallory was thinking eating on the temptation but I don't think that it made a huge difference in the outcome.

Again, the black team seems unstoppable, both in weight loss and in strategy. I think they will go far but will be eliminated as soon as they fall below the yellow line because others will see them as a threat.
The shock was the low low numbers compared to what Biggest Loser history would suggest should happen on week 2. Zero, 1, 2, & 3 lb losses seem so low. The trainers looked shocked and I am sure took a lot of responsibility for it because it wasn't just one or two people but the majority. In everyday life these would be good weeks for weight loss. I have a feeling though that if I was in the same situation I would be very frustrated putting in all that work and being away from family and friends for smaller numbers or no numbers at all. Bob said that maybe Jillian and him don't have the same magic when put together and maybe he is right. Who knows. I am already looking forward to next week to see if those numbers go back up. We will see, right?

I was also shocked that the brown team was sent home. I really liked them and I thought that they really had their hearts in the game. The only encouraging part is seeing how great they looked in the follow-ups. Good for them! I am sure that they will look amazing at the finale.

Monday, January 7, 2008

I Got Mail!

Thanks to my dear (and thoughtful) friend Em, I had a great surprise today.

I was sitting on the couch having my afternoon snack and looking out the window. The mailman drove by. My husband usually picks up the mail on the way in when he gets home from work, but the baby was asleep and the weather was nice so I thought that I would go get it while I let the dog play in the front yard for a bit. When I openned the box it was very full. There were two magazines falling out the front. I wondered why the mailman didn't push it all in further. As I started fishing out the contents of the box, I pulled out a small package. I was so excited. I tore it open and inside was a pair of super cute chocolate brown yoga pants and a WW digital points calculator. YES! Both things were so thoughtful and perfect. Thanks Em!

Emelie is one of my best friends. It was heartbreaking to have to leave her in Vegas when we moved to Nevada. She is as close as a sister. Neither of us have a sister and so we joke that we are in everyway except biological. She started WW a few months ago and through her example, I decided to join. Thanks Em for everything! You are a great support and I love ya!


A few weeks ago, I bought the ingredients for lasagna. I was planning on making some sort of casserole dish for a friend who had a death in the family and I bought enough to make it for us too. I splurged on the ingredients because I was making it for someone else. For example, 4% cottage cheese, regular spaghetti sauce and a big bag of cheese. I had taken one of her pyrex dishes while she was away to the funeral with the intention of returning it full. Well with the holidays and getting back into my old schedule, I thought that it was a good time to return it. I also had another friend that was recently in a bad car accident and could do with someone else taking care of dinner for the night. With that, I decided that I should make a double batch of lasagne and split it between the three families. One large, and two smaller. based on the family sizes.

We delivered the two other pans, one piping hot with all the fixings and rocky road brownies (Mmmm, so glad they were made in a pan to give away so I couldn't sneak one) and the other ready to freeze. We can home and threw ours in the oven. An hour later, it was hot and ready to eat. I served it with french bread brushed with olive oil and spinked with garlic and parsley and a green salad with Italian dressing. The dinner was so delicious and satisfying. My husband loved the lasagne and said that it was the best I ever made. Our dish had 4 servings in it and he ate 2 1/2 of those. I had one and the baby had the other half. It is unusual for him to eat that much. Also, in the past we both would have eaten half of the casserole dish. It felt wonderful to enjoy the dinner and not be so stuffed that I felt sick. It was the perfect amount.

In reading WW materials, I came across something that said that lasagna is one of those high point favorites that should be eaten sparingly. Luckily, I planned my day around it and so the points weren't a problem. It calculated out to 8 in the recipe builder. The dinner was only 11 all together. I could bring that down to 6 for the lasagna with a few adjustments such as lowfat cottage cheese, fat-free pasta sauce, and ground turkey breast instead of regular turkey breast. I am not willing to put in fat free cheese. There is something so wrong with it for me. I think that it squeeks like rubber when melted and chewed. Yuck! That serving size is 1/9 of a 9 x 13 pan which is a generous serving.
It was nice to have an old favorite. I don't feel like I am missing out on anything.

Speaking of not missing out, I am off to have my ice cream bar. Mmmm, Cookies & Cream.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Food Find - Jolly Rancher Sugar Free

My Weight Watchers leader encourages us to find at least one new thing at the grocery store every week. Right now that is easy because a lot of things are new from the points perspective. Here is just one.

I love Jolly Ranchers. So much that I took a bag with me to the hospital to suck on when I was in labor. Didn't use them during labor because my daughter waisted no time in getting here but crunched through the entire bag the hour after because I was so hungry and it was late and the cafeteria had closed.

I had tried these sugar-free ones a while back but forgot how good they were. I picked up the bag last week and they are a lifesaver (well actually a Jolly Rancher but you know what I mean). They are 35 cal for 4.

Here is the breakdown on points:
1 = 0 pts
2-3 = 0.5 pt
4-7 = 1 pt
8-9 = 1.5 pts
10-12 = 2 pts

This is a great thing. 1 kills a craving. 4 feels like a treat and 10-12 would get me through a movie. I am a sucker for sneaking in a treat. I don't feel like I am settling and they taste just like the real thing. Best of all, the bag looks like it is going to last the entire week or longer. Hooray for learning self control and budgeting my points wisely.

How to Look Good Naked

Has anyone else seen this show?

If so, what do you think?

Last night I was perusing the WW boards and saw a post about a new Lifetime show called "How to Look Good Naked." Several of the posts were about how much other people had loved the show and how you could watch it online if you missed it. I logged onto Lifetime and watched. I loved it. I was laughing so hard and completely relating with the woman and what she was thinking and feeling. I am hooked. I set the DVR to catch it weekly. While I never see myself naked in front of the camera it is sure great to live vicariously through these other women and maybe learn to love my body along the way.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

How many points are there in Tums?

Thursday night I started feeling a little sick right before bed. I broke out the Tums and munched a few. I couldn't seem to kick the queesy stomach. I turned in for the night hoping that it would go away. I kept waking up every hour or so. I still had a sick stomach and kept having to go to the bathroom. I am usually a very heavy sleeper and don't wake up for much so I am not accustommed to seeing the early hours of the morning. I think that I saw 2:00, 3:15, and 4:30 and also 5:30. Finally I gave up at 6:10 and decided to get up and get ready for the day. I still felt a little queezy and was hoping that I would make it through my meeting without puking.

All the way in I felt so sick to my stomach.

I parked made my way into the building and upstairs.

Weighed in.

Down 5.2 lbs.


Sat down.

Before I knew it I felt so much better. Must have been nervousness. I have never felt that way before. This weigh-in really stressed me out.Now I have my first star. I am so excited. Motivates me to get another.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


This is how I feel.....

the night before my first weigh-in.

Can't get it off my mind.

Hope I sleep.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Points & Numbers

Getting used to counting, managining, distributing and recording points is tough. I have been good about recording everything both on paper and WW Online. I keeps me honest. The problem that I am running into is distributing my points throughout the day.

I am always worried that I am going to run out of points before dinner but so far it has been the opposite. I use a couple of points for breakfast and around 8 or so for lunch and then have a snack or 2 that are a few points each. Both for lunch and dinner I usually plan larger meals to use my daily points but end up not eating them because I am not hungry. The same thing happens with planned snacks. I am just not in the mood or not hungry. I would have never thought that I would be frustrated about eating more but that is what is happening.

Some of you are probably wondering how this is happening. Well I have a lot to lose and so because of that I have a large point allowance. Some days, well most days, it seems like too many.

HELP! What do I do? I need some advice.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The Last Straw

So this story was on a friend's blog:

"After the (WW) meeting there was a new-member Intro, in which the director-in-training who had lost a total of 102 lbs herself (in just 2.5 years) gave each of the new members a little red straw. She told us that it represented the "last straw" for us. She wanted us to try and narrow down or even pinpoint the last straw in our lives. What had finally pushed us over the edge and to the decision to do something about it (and then find weight watchers)."

This go me to thinking, what was my last straw.....

I have blogged about my crazy binge and my all out loss of control but was that the last straw?

I don't think so.

I was watching a comercial for the upcomming Biggest Loser season that is starting tonight. They are doing a couples challenge. One of the ladies was shown saying that she wanted to lose the wight before her kids knew that she was fat.

I felt a pit in my stomach and my eyes started welling up.


I don't want my daughter to ever see me as fat!

She is a baby right now and show unconditional love and doesn't care about what I look like but I dread this current path that I am on. I am embarassed of myself and so I am sure at some point she would be embarassed too. That is almost guaranteed. I want to be an active participant in her live and have her excited about that. And sure most kids are mildly embarassed by their parents but I don't want it to be because of my weight.

So that is the last straw. It broke the camel's back. I am committed.

And tonight is the first episode of The Biggest Loser. I think that I am going to tune in for some extra inspiration.

Here's to Looking Great in 2008!

Lurking in my Kitchen

What's lurking in your kitchen?

These are all lurking in mine. All delicious and tempting.
I saw this post and decided to out my cupboards. Like I have talked about before, the day before I joined WW was a mess. That morning I went shopping and picked up two bags on M&M's. Mind you, I knew that I didn't need them but bought them anyways justifying that they would come in handy in February for Valentaine's Day because they were pink. In actually, they would probably be gone long before that. They were on sale and I justified it out. I am still regretting it. That night we went to target to look at their after Christmas sale. My husband grabbed these two bags of kisses, mint truffle and cherry cordial.
Luckily, all the bags are sealed and that keeps me from digging in. I have hidden them in the back of the cupboard. Out of sight, out of mind. There has been a few times that I have tried to justify out the points but at the same time I know myself all too well and know when those bags are openned it's all over.


Late night I busted open the two bags of kisses. It was again after 8 and I still had 9 points. Being concious of what I am eating and writing things down I think twice before I put something in my mouth. I counted out 9 kisses, one serving, 5 points. 3 Cherry and 6 Mint. I ate a cherry one first and I didn't really like it, well as much as you cannot like chocolate and definately not enough to eat another one. I picked out the remaining two cherry kisses and offered them to my husband and ate all 6 of the mint. They were good but not like a truffle as I felt the package had promised. It satisfied my sweet tooth and helped me use some points and I remained in total control.

Happy Fondue Eve!

Tonight, some of good friends hosted a New Years party Fondue style. I know it was coming and so I made sure that I had a lot of points available for tonight. The food was so good and so much fun to eat. The eating was slow and so we all sat around the table all night and a lot was consumed. The meats were fried in oil, the bread was drenched in cheese and the strawberries, marshmallows, brownies, pound cake and bananas were absolutely devine in the chocolate walnut fondue. I ate myself sick!

The night was an awesome night and was a great kick-off to 2008. I came home and entered everything that I could remember eating on the WW Tracker. 46 for dinner and 60 for the day. CRAZY! Just a few days ago I would could have easiely eaten that many or more points in a day without even realizing it. Luckily, I had some activity points from today and a lot of flex points along with most of my daily allowance left. Yeah for planning and yeah for the flexibility of WW.

Here's to 2008 and looking great!