Monday, March 31, 2008


So here's the quick update.

The first 2 weeks of core I lost a combined total of 5.5 pounds. All together, I am at a total loss of 31.6 ponds. It feels great to pass the 30 lb mark. I don't think that I posted but last week I hit my 10%. Yeah! That feels awesome!

I am still liking Core and loving not counting as much.

I saw a picutre of my posted on a friends' blog and was not repulsed. This is a big step forward. I usually cringe upon seeing pictures of myself. I can see the difference in my face.

I also found an awesome waffle recipe made out of oatmeal that I will post soon. My husband even liked it which says a lot. He is funny about new recipes.


Living to Feel Good said...

AWESOME!!! Congrats on the 30lb mark, and even more important your 10%!! Do you know how much healthier you are?!! High five!!! :)

Pattie said...

Yay you!! Hitting that 10% mark feels so good, doesn’t it? I'm proud of you, and glad to read that you love the Core plan. I'm thinking of switching because I can’t face tracking Points any more! It’s always good to have a choice.

Emelie said...

I can definitely tell the difference in your face from that pic. I'm so happy for you! You have done awesome! Maybe I'll lose some weight the week I'm at your house! I saw a commerical yesterday that said losing 1 lb was making 4% of pressure off your knees. So here's to a 120% pressure off your knees!

TB--Milwaukee said...

Congrats on 10%!

noelle said...

10% is so great! I hit mine over a year ago, but it was amazing to see what a big difference it made in my appearance and my motivation!

I'd love to see that waffle recipe, too!