Saturday, February 2, 2008

My Pet Fat

Who has heard of or seen these?

Not I, until this week.

As you know, I only lost 0.6 last week and was initially disappointed. That was until I was looking at blogs one day and came across this posting. It totally changed my attitude. Heather, who runs, helped me to see that losing anything was something.

I was telling a friend about the post and the gross little visual that was pictured there and she said that her WW leader had one too. "My Pet Fat" So I looked them up. A not so little mountain of fat. 1 lb. Who knew 1 lb could be so big. Then I started imagining these little jiggly mountains taped all over me. YUCK! I am suddenly very satisfied with just 1 lb a week. 1 less attached to my hips or my stomach.

Well this week I lost 1.2. While a few weeks ago that would have seemed like nothing, this week I am pleased with myself and I am excited for another loss next week. Even if it is just a pound.


Living to Feel Good said...

Congrats on your loss!! I've never heard of my pet fat either, but dang that's gross. It really does make you feel better doesn't it?! ;)

Living to Feel Good said...

I just looked at that website, and the 5lb fat is even worse!! But who wants to pay 150 bucks to have that sitting around?

TitanThirteen said...

I've got one of those fat things. But i have a kilo one. My doctor gave it to me. It came from a weight loss pill company. I asked if i could have it to motivate me, and he said i could, but i have to give it back when i lose all my access weight lol