Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How many did I eat?

I made these yesterday. Every other week we meet with a few other families from church for Family Night. I was in charge of the treat yesterday. I have had a package of M&Ms for a while now and thought that it would be fun to put them in the cookies instead of chocolate chips. Last time I made these cookies I ate two. The first fast without tasting it and the second one I savored with a glass of milk. I realized that while I like the cookie, my favorite part is the M&Ms. Yesterday I mixed up the batter and reserved 10 M&Ms for myself on the side. I ate those 10 M&Ms while I was baking the cookies. Counted the points for them too. After eating the M&Ms I was over the temptation of the cookies. I brought a plate of them for Family night, I sent another dozen to work with my husband this morning and I have a dozen that I am going to drop by the new neighbor's house this morning.

So I am proud to announce that as far as cookies go............I ate ZERO!


TB--Milwaukee said...

Cookies are my downfall. I would have eaten at least two, proudly!

Cookies to me, are definitely worth the points.

Mel said...

Good for you! I had 4 cookies last night and a bag of m&m peanut today...I counted them though!

Sherlyn said...

I use to really love cookies and smelling them baking. That was until December of last year! Our church does this event called "Give CHRISTmas" where we collect toys all year long and then before Christmas, parents who can not afford toys for their children can come and "shop" for free. We also have a hospitality area that they wait at until it's time to go onto the floor to shop. I was assigned to be part of the cookie cooking team. We baked cookies for 7 hours straight...someone finally quite counting at around the 800th cookie. I haven't eaten cookies since. Everytime I've picked up one, I think of that day and how many cookies I seen and smelled. I get queasy just thinking of it. And actually it's not just cookies...really anything sweet at all. It was a really good diet help!!!!

Also good job on the willpower! I love to cook and I love food. Temptation is so hard sometimes!