Sunday, December 30, 2007


So when I was runshing around doing my last minute Christmas shopping and frantically searching for a gift for my husband I picked up a couple of candy bars just in case I didn't come up with anything else. I was trying to justify that I had tried. On Christmas morning I tucked the 3 that I had purchased in the tree for him to find that morning. He never siad anything about them so I just asumed that he didn't notice. I tossed one in his lunch one day that week but 3 days after Christmas they were still perched in the tree. I had forgot about them and when I noticed them still there I figured that my husband had never seen them.

I pulled out the Rice Krispie Treat and took a big bite out of it. Knowing that I shouldn't have done that, I folded the wrapper over the bite and tucked it behind the green beans in the cupboard, somewhere my husband would never see it. That bar was calling my name all night long and first thing in the morning, I pulled it out and literally inhaled it. Within 30 minutes, I pulled the twix out of the tree and scarfed the whole thing down. This was only the beginning to a terrible binge that lead me to Weight Watchers.

I had forgotten how the binge had started until last night. We were sitting on the couch watching a movie together and my husband asked me where the Rice Krispie Treat went. I had no where to hide. I had to confess. "I ate it! Sorry!" And then he asked about the Twix.

Me:"I ate that too!"

Him: "What, you ate them both?"

Me: "Yes, I had a total breakdown! That's why I joined Weight Watchers."

He knows that I don't have a lot of control when it comes to food. Even though he knows this, he doesn't understand it. Maybe it is a good thing that he doesn't because him catching me on this binge was embarassing and hopefully embarassing enough that I will truly think about it before I do it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My husband is very understanding now, but he wasn't always like that! He couldn't understand my lifelong battle with weight at all in the early years of our relationship. His answer to every temptation was "You don't have to eat it!" He just drove me wild sometimes! Now, in his late 50s, he *finally* gets it and has to resist temptation so as not to gain more weight.