Sunday, January 6, 2008

Food Find - Jolly Rancher Sugar Free

My Weight Watchers leader encourages us to find at least one new thing at the grocery store every week. Right now that is easy because a lot of things are new from the points perspective. Here is just one.

I love Jolly Ranchers. So much that I took a bag with me to the hospital to suck on when I was in labor. Didn't use them during labor because my daughter waisted no time in getting here but crunched through the entire bag the hour after because I was so hungry and it was late and the cafeteria had closed.

I had tried these sugar-free ones a while back but forgot how good they were. I picked up the bag last week and they are a lifesaver (well actually a Jolly Rancher but you know what I mean). They are 35 cal for 4.

Here is the breakdown on points:
1 = 0 pts
2-3 = 0.5 pt
4-7 = 1 pt
8-9 = 1.5 pts
10-12 = 2 pts

This is a great thing. 1 kills a craving. 4 feels like a treat and 10-12 would get me through a movie. I am a sucker for sneaking in a treat. I don't feel like I am settling and they taste just like the real thing. Best of all, the bag looks like it is going to last the entire week or longer. Hooray for learning self control and budgeting my points wisely.


TB--Milwaukee said...

I've really started liking sugar free hard candy. Most of it is about the same Nutrition. I have the Werther's in the car all the time.

Good idea finding something new every week. I'm trying to do it as well.

Living to Feel Good said...

Wow I didn't know Jolly Rancher had sugar free. 12 of them for 2 pts? Awesome.

I think I like that new Carson show. I think he had some great points, and I loved how he showed the same lady in three outfits with her head blurred out, and it showed that how you feel is how you look. It had some empowering points.

There are a lot of inspiring TV shows on right now, and I'm loving it!