Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Lurking in my Kitchen

What's lurking in your kitchen?

These are all lurking in mine. All delicious and tempting.
I saw this post and decided to out my cupboards. Like I have talked about before, the day before I joined WW was a mess. That morning I went shopping and picked up two bags on M&M's. Mind you, I knew that I didn't need them but bought them anyways justifying that they would come in handy in February for Valentaine's Day because they were pink. In actually, they would probably be gone long before that. They were on sale and I justified it out. I am still regretting it. That night we went to target to look at their after Christmas sale. My husband grabbed these two bags of kisses, mint truffle and cherry cordial.
Luckily, all the bags are sealed and that keeps me from digging in. I have hidden them in the back of the cupboard. Out of sight, out of mind. There has been a few times that I have tried to justify out the points but at the same time I know myself all too well and know when those bags are openned it's all over.


Late night I busted open the two bags of kisses. It was again after 8 and I still had 9 points. Being concious of what I am eating and writing things down I think twice before I put something in my mouth. I counted out 9 kisses, one serving, 5 points. 3 Cherry and 6 Mint. I ate a cherry one first and I didn't really like it, well as much as you cannot like chocolate and definately not enough to eat another one. I picked out the remaining two cherry kisses and offered them to my husband and ate all 6 of the mint. They were good but not like a truffle as I felt the package had promised. It satisfied my sweet tooth and helped me use some points and I remained in total control.

1 comment:

Mrs Andy said...

Ridding your house of tempting things is the best thing you can do for your WW efforts. I also started planning my meals from my WW cookbooks (seriously get a few of those), and then making a shopping list. I only allowed myself to buy what was on the list. In the end I save time, money and WW heartache that way!

Also, portioning out a serving of any "treat" type thing is so good. I still sit with the measuring cups and the table at meals too and measure out my food. Eventually you will be able to eyeball most things though.