Friday, January 18, 2008

Weigh-ins and Star Stickers

So my meeting was SO MUCH BETTER today! I was running a little late this morning. (I like to be there early so I don't have to wait in line long.) I was in about 5 minutes before the meeting started and had to wait in line. When it was my turn to weigh-in the woman who I thought was so rude last week was the receptionist available. "GREAT!"

She must have been having a better day because she was a definately more positive. I stepped on the scale and her eyes got wide and she said "You had a great week!" and almost recited I said "Well good, I sure worked hard this week." Then she said "You know, you probably won't keep losing this much weight everytime but you are doing great so far." It was in the sweetest and most sincere tone and I was greatful that I would be able to leave without letting her words get to me this week.

Well, I peeked at the weight and it was over the .2 I needed to get my gold star which was so important to me. I don't think I looked at it carefully until I was in the car on the way home.

4.8 lbs

Yes, 4.8 lbs!

All the way home I was repeating..."4.8 pounds, I can't believe I love 4.8 pounds, Yes! 4.8 lbs"

I am sure that passing motorists thought that I was a little crazy but I was so excited.
So back to the star. I knew that I was most likely going to get a star this week because I was only .2 away from it the week before and spent the week wishing that I wore something light weight last week so I could have gotten a star. This was actually a great focus for me this week and because of this I was so looking forward to the meeting, not so much the public recognition but the little sticker to prove that I had lost at least 10 lbs on WW. Our leader announces at the end of the meeting. I spent the whole meeting dreaming of the star. She handed out a couple of star and a few other awards and then announced the group total and sent the group on its way. It went by like a blur. I was stunned no star. What? I had lost way over 10 and they somehow missed it.

I thought about walking out of the room and not worrying about it, cause after all it is an itty bitty sticker and then I thought "No, I worked so hard for this star. It is MY motivator. I earned it fair and square and I WANT IT!" I timidly approached Linda, my leader.

"Linda, I am pretty sure that I earned a star this week and I didn't get one." She turned a little red and grabbled a star from the roll and handed it to me. I felt like I had to prove to her that I deserved that little sticker. I pulled out my card in my defense. Of course she didn't check it but instead checked her sheet and was visibly embarassed. She apologized and said that for some reason I wasn't on the list. Apology accepted as I proudly pulled off the backing and fastened it on my bookmark.

I am sure that the receptionists got an earfull after.

So, not my total loss is at 14.6 lbs. Just short of the 15 but now I know that I can earn one next week if I stay OP. I think that .4 lbs is very doable. I would love to lose 3 next week and 3 the week after. When, not if, I do that, I will have lost 20 lbs my first month on WW.


TB--Milwaukee said...

Those gold stars meant the world to me early on. Now, they're not coming as fast and don't mean quite as much as I am starting to know the program and feel comfortable that I can do it for the long haul.

Congrats on a great loss, you know it won't come this easy every week. LOL

Now you're so close to another gold star. WOW!

Unknown said...

You are doing great. Congrats you should be so proud of yourself. I love those gold stars and it has been so long since I have had one. I am hopeful next month I will finally hit my 90 lb mark.

Living to Feel Good said...

OOooOoO I am so excited for you!!! .4 is totally doable!! Stay focus and inspired by the gold star and next week you can celebrate the right way again!! What a bummer though about the meeting. I loved the stars too. :) Here's to another successful week!!!

Living to Feel Good said...

PS Happy 3rd anniversary!! :D

Sherlyn said...

Congrads girl! Get them stars!

Lynn said...

Very good! I've got my WI today and I'm hoping I can snake a .2 out of it to get up to an even 2 pounds (over three weeks, so my weight is coming off VERY SLOWLY)

Of course, this morning, I find out it's That Time so I'll probably be up 3 pounds...

Still, really good work! You should be proud of yourself!