Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Food Find - Morning Star Farm's Spicy Black Bean Burger

A few weeks ago, we went to Chili's for dinner. I ordered the black bean burger and LOVED it. However, I am not one to pay $9 for a burger and some steamed veggies when I can do it at home for much less. (To be honest, I didn't even eat the steamed veggies. That is something that I don't like very much at restaurants. They are always cold by the time I get around to them.) I picked up a package of these Morning Star ones at the store along with Nature's Own Whole Wheat Sugar Free Hamburger Buns. The Bun is 2 pts and the patty is 2 point. Four points for a burger is so good, especially when they are as delicious as these are. If you are apprehensive about a veggie burger, try them anyway. They are so worth it.


TB--Milwaukee said...

I'll be on the lookout for them. I have Bocaburgers in the house, but am not totally sold on them yet. I add lots of lettuce, tomato, ketchup, etc. to get past the taste.

I love veggies at restaurants, but compared to the number of fries you would get, is it really worth it to get two pieces of broccoli?

Mrs Andy said...

So do you have to do anything to them, you know to spice them up? My past experiences with veggie burgers have not been so good.

If you have a Trader Joes in your neighborhood, I suggest their lime-chili chicken burgers....so good and only 2 pts!

d.fine09 said...

These definately have more flavor than other veggie burgers that I have had in the past. I just put some lettuce and tomato with them. Chili's puts ranch dressing on it too. I don't think that it needs it.

I love Trader Joes! We had them in Vegas but no luck now that we are in Texas. :(